I looked for a way of changing mail format sent by the crontab.
I hoped for a syntax like MAILTO=
Answer: Impossible.
With Debian default cron program, it’s hard coded in cron :
In do_command.c
source file:
fprintf(mail, "From: root (Cron Daemon)\n"); fprintf(mail, "To: %s\n", mailto); fprintf(mail, "Subject: Cron <%s@%s> %s\n", usernm, first_word(hostname, "."), e->cmd);
Solution: crontab -e
2>&1 | mailx -s “your subject here” your_email@somewhere.com
to cron command
* * * * * /some/dir/script_to_run 2>&1 | mailx -s “your subject here” your_email@somewhere.com