2010-06-20 23:12

A friend of mine has a PC with Windows XP / Ubuntu in dual boot. After the Lucid upgrade, Windox fails to boot (strange lines on the screen after Grub…).

TestDisk saved us:

sudo aptitude install testdisk
sudo testdisk
  1. Choose [ Create ] Create a new log file
  2. Choose windows physical disk, then [Proceed ]
  3. Choose [ Continue ] Continue even if there are hidden data
  4. Choose [Intel ] Intel/PC partition
  5. [ Advanced ] Filesystem Utils
  6. On Windows XP partition, boot sector is generally bad or non identical to backup sector (Sectors are not identical.).
  7. Choose [ Backup BS ] to copy the backup sector to the master sector.
  8. After that, quit, reboot and test.


2010-06-20 23:12 · Tags: , , , ,

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