2010-10-24 23:34

I spent hours on the Web looking for THE PHP software I need with no success.

Required features:

  • Free-libre software
  • No database, just images in a directory, that’s all.
  • Easy to understand source code, easy to patch for my needs
  • Variable number of thumbs fitting the browser width.

And I spent another weekend happy coding something that may already exist. But my gallery is simple and does what I want:


Demo here

2010-10-24 23:34


  1. Hej, I tried to send you a mail (with some kind of bug report), but the address on http://www.positon.org/bizou/en.html seems to be wrong. Please let me know how I can resend you this mail.



  2. This is wonderful. I have been looking for something like this for quite some time. Bravo, merci.



  3. Great but, thumbnails in IE display vertically, in Firefox horizontally. I assume this is a bug. The Firefox display seems better to me. See the similar script galerie.php by Daniel Wacker. He gets them horizonally in IE somehow.


  4. Hello Cris,

    Is this ok or not in Firefox ?
    I tested it under Firefox, chromium and Safari.
    What version of IE are you using ?

    I tried Daniel Wacker script, it works fine except with some images having UTF8 finenames.
    Anyway the method he uses to display the images horizontally is very simple. I will test it in bizou when I have time.



  5. Hi Marc,
    Your script worked fine with me in Firefox, but in IE 8 it displays incorrectly – see attached screenshot. (In IE the thumbnails are in a long vertical line on the left side).

    The Daniel Wacker script displays correctly (ie horizontally) in both IE 8 and Firefox with me. However, your script has the added bonus that you can navigate between pictures!

    Thank you for developing this script, it will be exactly what I need when all is ok in IE as well.

    Greetings from Bavaria



  6. Same issue with IE9 here.
    This would be my gallery of choice if this issue could be resolved and the gallery would display correctly in all major browsers.



  7. Hello fellows,

    waiting for a future bizou release, you should add :

    <!DOCTYPE html>

    on top of template.php, to tell IE to behave correctly.




  8. Hi,
    Bizou is just what i need : thanks a lot.
    But i would like to get the folders horizontally with the title just under and not vertically with the title on right.
    Maybe it is very easy : can you explain me how to do that ?


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